Here at Lotus Holistic Wellness, we practice a gentle approach to Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine, treating the individual as a “whole” that addresses the entire body, mind, and spirit of the individual. Your health and wellness are always a priority and we would be honored to be a part of your journey to optimal health.
Services we offer:
Acupuncture (Traditional and Japanese Style)
Herbal Medicine
Tui na (Oriental Medical Massage)
Gua Sha
Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy
Ear Seeds & Auricular Acupuncture
OM Nutrition

What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient art of holistic medicine that has been practiced for over 5,000 years in China. It uses specific points on the meridian systems of the body to treat many health conditions, such as headaches, back pain, the common cold, arthritis, and many others. Commonly used in combination with herbs and other modalities, acupuncture is a gentle and effective medicine.
During your acupuncture treatment, sterile, single-use “filiform” acupuncture needles that are the diameter of a human hair, are gently inserted into specific acupuncture points on the body. These points, through neurochemical signaling, send messages to the body to facilitate pain relief, improve circulation and immune function, support the regulatory role of internal organs, and help balance the body’s meridian systems. Acupuncture can also be applied by several non-needle techniques, including acupressure, auricular seeds, and magnets, all within your comfort level. Acupuncture does not have to be painful or uncomfortable to be effective.
Initial Visit……………………………………$125
(Includes Evaluation, Exam, and Acupuncture or Acupuncture Treatment -90 min)
FOLLOW-UP Acupuncture Treatment…………$75
(EVAL & TREATMENT with Acupuncture or Acupressure 60 MIN)
Have more questions? Visit our frequently asked questions page, located HERE!
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